My Dynamic World

what is mtfworld?

Its a multipurpose informative blog and its also personal and most of the content are related to my life and also related to my workplace smr

Words of wisdom

"Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years." Ausonius Info from

More posts next week!

Ive been busy to update for the past few days this week, and today itself i am attending my cousin's wedding.. but no worries i will be back posting next week with lots of info, see ya

Weird Collectables

Care to collect like this one, hehe anyway its a BMW 5 series

and here look at all his super soakers!

Acorn 2.1 for Mac - There's an app for that

Back in the day, when you bought a Mac, Photoshop was one piece of software you absolutely had to get. Photoshop, fancy yes but too expensive. Flying Meat has created an app with an innovative interface that any iLife user should feel comfortable slipping into. The software is dead simple to use and the tutorials are well-illustrated and easy to follow along with.

Acorn 2.1 does all of Photoshop’s basics at least as well as Photoshop and it’s fast and it’s optimized for Snow Leopard. Perfect for any acquaintance that needs to trim a few shots or easily excise that one person they’re not so fond of from their photos. Acorn requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later

Well, There's an app for that!

Mangrove runs dry

Today, while driving to Muara Beach to have a picnic, i stop by the Mangrove Paradise Resort. It was the second time for me and the first time for my family, we were just touring around the exit, and watch the Mangroves, i was surprised to see to river bed surface exposed! it was the low tide and from my experience, normally when the river bed is exposed it gives a unpleasant smell, i wonder how the occupant and guest reacts. well, here are some shots and the last picture here compares between the low tide and the high tide

Barbeque @ Lambak Kiri

On the 1st day of Muharram 1431, we had a barbeque 'eat all you can' at lambak, i ate so much and think i ate around 20 pieces of barbeque chicken wings that night, sosauges? nope i only had 3 pieces, im trying to reduce eating hot dogs, because according to research sausages contain nitrate, nitrate is already produced naturally in our body, an excessive of nitrate could give a cancer side effects, Nauzubillah. Anyway congrats to my brother and his wife, because both of them was promoted!! i heard theyre the one who sponsored the chicken wings! Thanks Bro! hehe

Amir and Asif playing Abang's Toy

My Small World Toys Sale at Sheraton

It was held on the 19 and 20th of this month, i saw the advertise in of the popular website in Brunei, so we went there on the very first day itself. Lots of branded toys being displayed but nothing was in any interest for me, hehe.

Look Santa was there too!

sorry for the poor pic resolution..this is from a 6630 Nokia handphone

Secret Recipe is opened!

Didn't know when it was actually first opened though, when i was first saw the sign 'NOW OPEN' i look inside and all the table seems full, from the ears, many would adore this restaurant, is it because of the taste? or food type? or is it a secret.

Clinic appointment for Amir and Asif

Last two days ago, it was a clinic appointment for Amir and Asif at the Sungai Asam, During the medical check up, Amir gains a lot of weight from the previous appointment, from 17 kg to 21 kg, Skali the doctor says 'bah baik tah kurang kan makan makanan bergoreng, makan makanan berabus saja'. Next was Asif, his weight also gained from 15 kg to 17 kg, which is ideal says the doctor.

Coming! Exclusive Hotwheels - T-Hunts

Remember this?

One of my vintage toy collection, got it from ebay for $278 Bnd

More pictures here


A Tow Truck converts to a Mobile Defense Unit and saves the day from Switchblade (Helicopter converts in a heavily arm jet fighter)

My Cousin's Wedding - 6th December 2009

Step to make the world a better place..

Got this from KFC for a dollar, it says the cash will be used to feed people..those in Africa i guess

A must for a collector..

Found this spray while shopping for groceries, in which i find come in handy

This is a warning

Clever advertisment, but how many people here in Brunei has a Genuine Software?

Remember my previous post..

I mean this one.. yup your right, i do it myself, i cut Amir and Hasif hair last week



Do you what this is? What i can do with this?

