My Dynamic World

what is mtfworld?

Its a multipurpose informative blog and its also personal and most of the content are related to my life and also related to my workplace smr

Words of wisdom

"Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years." Ausonius Info from

The 'Flame' N55 from Li Ning

Introducing the 'Flame N55' gives and extra offensive power in a Badminton Match, manufactured by Li Ning and use by World Badminton player Chen Jin

Baby Asif 1st day at School

Belabih usulnya, buat Ultraman Pose lagi tu skali..sudah disekulah (scroll down)

Sekali sudah diskulah diam tia

Another Ultramans bought from Hua Ho

While Hua Ho Dept is still having its Grand Sale, i took the opportunities to grab these Ultra dudes, Original? yes, Ruishi Under Licence from Tsuburaya

KFC's Hotwheels!

Got these yesterday, while shopping with my wife and kids

Hotwheels Extravaganza!

New challenges starts tomorrow

This is the year to be more more proactive and do more counter attack..eseh macam main bula saja

Bunga Raja (The flower king)

During our Barbeque night celebrating New Year eve, we saw the blooming of a rare flower species, that is Bunga Raja. According to my dad, the flower will only bloom at 12 midnight, here ive managed to grab some pictures of the Flower

Baby Asif will be start schooling this year

Collectible Hunting

Last two days ago, ive fullfill one of my wishlist, spending with 3% of my salary ive managed to get 2 gigantic (labih jua eh, inda jua gigantic banar) Ultraman Hayata and Ultraseven figures plus 3 dozen of hotwheels, thats 18 pieces of hotwheels still carded, shesh! i just cant resist the temptation of buying hotwheels nowadays.

Look the AA battery size compare to the figure

Ultraman with its classic firing pose! awaaas! bzzztt


Hotwheels ..

My Next Target

Secret Recipe's tryout

Comment? Not bad at all, two thumbs up! its like love at first taste! hehe

This is roasted chicken with tumeric sauce serve with fresh veggies and chips (im dieting)

and this is spaghetti with chicken meatballs! my wife's personal comment, 'its the best speghetti she ever tasted!' (wow talking about an extreme comment)

and finally this is our drinks, Evian water (i always had water after maincourse) and Ice blended Chocolate


Found this in one of the shop around the city, Gundam are getting is popular nowadays, loyal Gundam Fans are spending every month to get this High Grade Collectible and some of them are even creating blogs for their collectible and exchanging links.

Jerudong Park entrance is free again!

Free entrance at JP is creating traffic jams again , having a visit with my family during the holiday, do arouse me some issues, one is regarding the playground , you can just imagine how old is this park, when you can see deteriorating see-saw, decaying slides and corrosion here and there, why don't they repair or maintain the park, JP is consider one of the tourist attraction here in Brunei and in some most countries in the third world, tourism is a very serious business, my suggestion would be an injection of budget from the Oil revenue should revived the park and saving the park for Tourism industry would be consider as one of the niche strategy, a niche strategy that we are looking for.

Second is the closing time of the park, during our visit (of course it is still the school holidays) we came at 7pm and it was raining and we had to stay in one of the restaurant to wait the rain stop, the rain stop at 9.45pm and we went to the park and we were mention that the park is going to be close at 10.30pm, hey! its a school holiday, why dont they close it at 12.00 or 11.30 and not to mention when its raining all the rides is 'unusable', suggestions they need to find a win-win situation for this kind of situation! people who buy the ride ticket before the rain will be not able to use those ride tickets! because the rain stop at 9.45 and the rides is closed at 10.00pm,

Finally, visiting the park with my family do give me a sentimental memory of the past (i still remember those days when i was a teenager, though having a dollar in a wallet but still we go there, because its not the food we're after, its the joy with friends plus free rides), and no matter what happens to the park, i am still proud because its one of a kind the world

Look at those full car parks! it reminds me of the glory days of JP

Happy New Year 2010 - MTFWORLD

